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Our Mission

We are building a national movement to increase Democratic representation in all levels of office. UNITEDemocrats is helping to assemble the next generation of candidates so we can continue to defend our democracy and our values like voting rights, abortion rights, LGBTQIA+ equality, diversity & inclusion, gun reform, environmental protection, equal pay, and so much more.

Donald Trump is no longer in the White House. But his far-right Republican cronies are still roaming the U.S. Capitol and state legislative buildings across the country and are coming up with dangerous policies that directly impact America’s most vulnerable. If we do nothing, they’ll set our country — including our most sacred rights — back 50 years. We can’t let that happen.

We must unify as a party to make sure we fight for our Democratic values and rid our country of far-right Republican extremism.


Our Plan

Identify and recruit high-quality and diverse candidates up and down the ballot and provide direct resources to endorsed candidates who will fight for:


Affordable and Accessible Health Care

Safeguarding Social Security and Medicare

Fighting the Unprecedented Climate Crisis

Defending Women’s Reproductive Rights

Reducing Student Loan Debt

Championing Diversity & Inclusion

Passing Common-Sense Gun Safety Laws